Elder Program
The Cia Siab, Inc. Elders' Program offers culturally appropriate advocacy services and programming for Hmoob elders in the La Crosse area. HMoob elders live with health problems such as depression, ptsd, loneliness, and many more as a result of historical trauma from war, displacement, and loss. Recognizing how trauma impacts the overall health of our elders, we focus on healing from these traumas. We want to provide a safe and positive space for our elders to interact with one another through engagement in games, crafts, listening to traditional music, hais kwv txhiaj, and storytelling.
We have elders programming every Tuesday and Thursday. Transportation and meals are provided. If you know of an elder who is interested in attending program, reach out to us at info@ciasiabinc.org or call 608-615-7117.