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Hate Incident Report
Cia Siab, Inc. Hate Incident Report Form

If you or someone you know has experienced hate, please report it. Click on the button below or simply scroll down to get to Cia Siab, Inc.'s Hate Incident Report Form.

What is the purpose of this hate incident report form? 

  • To provide individuals in the HMoob community and other marginalized non-HMoob 

  • To utilize these hate incident reports to inform Cia Siab, Inc.'s violence prevention services & programs in order to enhance the wellbeing of the HMoob community.

Will I remain anonymous when I report a hate incident? 

We will not make any attempt to link your answers to you. Your privacy matters to us. We are not collecting respondents' IP Address, location data, contact information, and biographical information. This reduces the risk of you being identified since we are not able to nor will we make any effort to identify you.

What happens after I submit this report? 

If you choose to provide your information at the end of the form for advocacy/support services, we are beholden to protect your confidentiality. We will de-identify your report of the incident from your personal information before we share out any incident information regarding your report. All hate bias incidents reported through Cia Siab, Inc.'s Hate Incident Report Form will be shared in our grant, annual reports, and/or social media on an "as need" basis. This sharing is an effort to raise awareness about hate-fueled violence against HMoob people and to inform our hate prevention work. When we share this information, we will only share the incident, victim, and perpetrator information. Because we are not collecting your biographical data, we are not sharing your personal information in our public reporting. Every effort will be made to evaluate your report promptly. The timing and manner in which Cia Siab, Inc. addresses the report will vary depending on the information provided. Cia Siab, Inc. cannot guarantee that we will respond to all reports.



Do you have concerns/questions? Would you like to report over the phone? Do you need language assistance or support? Contact Cia Siab, Inc. at 608-615-7117 or


This resource was produced by Cia Siab, Inc. under 15POVC-21-GK-00658-NONF, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this resource are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Anchor 1
Support. Advocate. Revitalize.

(608) 615-7117

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm

1825 Sunset Ln. La Crosse, WI 54601


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© 2022 by Cia Siab, Inc. 

24-Hour WI Hmong Family Strengthening Line: 1-877-740-4292

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